We are a collective of animal centered design pioneers that are changing how we interact with animals.

Areas of Practice

  • To bring forth the unique worlds of human and animal users, we apply proprietary animal-centric methods that allow us to distill the insights that inspire teams to discover meaningful opportunities for design and innovation.

    • Animal centric user observation methods to verify the 'what' and 'when', and discover the 'why'

    • Multi-species user journeys, user segmentation, and persona development

    • Product, experience, and service blueprints

    • Business and desire driven innovation and development roadmaps

    • Storytelling narratives that capture and amplify the process of design

  • Our relationship to and with animals is a powerful platform from which to generate successful culture shifts. We apply the rigor and creativity of animal centered design methods to help humans change their beliefs, behaviors and outcomes, by enabling the creation of new empathy/driven perspectives.

    • Exploratory and generative animal centered innovation workshops

    • Animal centered culture workshops for improved employee collaboration

  • To ensure your puppy can thrive in our human world, we use positive reinforcement reward-based methods to teach you & your dog all you need to know to have a balanced, confident partnership. We help you to understand your pet’s perspective so that together, we can strengthen the human-animal bond.

    • 1:1 puppy training classes

    • Specific puppy problems

    • Canine & human personality assessments and match evaluations

  • We are available for teaching and speaking engagements worldwide. Some of the institutions we have worked with include:

Who we’ve worked with.

Featured Project: Veterinary Clinic Design

Client: MARS Petcare

The Challenge: Create a veterinary care experience that improves the well-being of patients and employees while increasing client happiness.